
Interview with Dathan Eldridge, Managing Director at Dynamic Energy Solutions

With the renewable/green energy industry taking off in recent years, how do you feel Dynamic Energy Solutions fits in and how can your solutions assist the distributed energy industry?

Dynamic Energy Solutions is in a key position to help deliver the UK’s energy transition revolution, drawing on years of expertise to create solutions tailored specifically to each individual business’ energy needs. Dynamic Energy Solutions can help businesses reduce costs, create new revenue streams, whether it be from Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading or to Electric Vehicle ChargePoint revenue, increase network resilience, whilst achieving environmental commitments, sustainability or mitigating risks, we’ve got what it takes to improve your business approach to energy use and to future-proof your business.

The Distributed Energy Show is the very first event you will be attending as a new company, who are you planning to meet at the show?

Dynamic Energy Solutions is hoping to meet business owners who want to make that commitment to improving their environmental commitments, we understand that businesses have a broad spectrum of energy needs and solutions that will continue to expand and evolve through the transition. But with increasing market complexity and more options than ever before, selecting the right partner for your business is critical, and that partner is Dynamic Energy Solutions.

You offer many services to your customers, what will you be displaying at the show?

Dynamic Energy Solutions will be presenting our 4 core services:

  1. Solar PV EPC, O&M, domestic, commercial and industrial.
  2. Electric Vehicle Charge Points (FIMER) EPC, O&M, domestic, commercial and industrial.
  3. High Voltage Services EPC, O&M, commercial and industrial.
  4. Electrical Contracting EPC and Maintenance, domestic, commercial and industrial.

Dynamic Energy Solutions is an official partner with FIMER SPA, as their UK representative for the distribution of the new FIMER EV product range. Tell us more about this partnership?

Dynamic Energy Solutions has had a close working relationship with the UK team at FIMER for several years now, we are a certified service partner of FIMER for their central inverter range in the UK. It was a natural progression to partner up with FIMER for their EV product range roll out, as we know FIMER produce, operate and maintain some of the best equipment on the market and we’re extremely good at what we do, so it was an easy decision to partner with FIMER on their EV Charger roll out in the UK.

What excites you most about the distributed energy industry? What will you be looking out for yourselves at The Distributed Energy Show 2021?

We’ll personally be looking forward to the engagement with other companies at the show, networking and B2B business development. We started our business just as the pandemic hit, so we’ve been missing the face-to-face engagement with new potential clients and partners. 

How is Dynamic Energy Solutions preparing for the demand brought about by the recently announced UK target to reduce carbon emissions by 78% by 2035?

Dynamic Energy Solutions is preparing for the increase in demand by continuously reinvesting in the business and its staff. We are growing to meet the demand, we have an inhouse training program, so our staff get all the training they require to perform their roles and grow their careers, we are even looking at starting an apprenticeship program as the business and industry continues to grow.

And just for fun, if you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I like the line out of the recent Justice league movie, when the flash turns to Bruce Wayne in his supercar and asks what his superpower is and he says ‘I’m Rich’, I’d settle for that ?

Visit Dynamic Energy Solutions on stand 1639.