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The Association For Decentralised Energy

The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) is the leading trade association for decentralised energy, representing more than 150 interested parties from across the industrial, commercial and public sectors.


Decentralised energy is energy based at or near the energy user and it has an integral role to play in the delivery of a flexible, smart energy future. Decentralised energy solutions:

are low carbon and efficient.
offer users more choice in how they meet their energy needs and control over their energy costs.
reduce network investment costs as long term demand decreases and/or users offer demand flexibility.

The ADE does not advocate for one decentralised energy technology over another, believing customer needs should drive the solution. It works to create a strong, dynamic and sustainable environment for a range of technologies including combined heat and power, demand side energy services, energy efficiency and heat networks.

Download: ADE World Infographic